App Framework

iOS and Android Apps with HTML & JavaScript - App Framework combines great pieces of open source code to support your whole workflow with useful scripts and your app with powerful plugins. With App Framework, you could spend your time for your next amazing App and not for the tricky stuff around - free and open source!
Setup your project:
- Creation of a lightweight and well-organized project folder, ready to publish on GitHub
Design your application:
Develop your application:s
- Realize beautiful user interfaces with all well-known components and transitions, based on Framework7
- Easy to maintain single file components with reusable UI elements, based on Vue.js
- One code base for all devices with HTML, CSS and JavaScript - realized with Cordova, supporting ES2015
- Comprehensive icon fonts like FontAwesome, Framework7, Ion and Material Icons out of the box
- Well prepared to use Firebase authentication, realtime database and storage services
- State kept for history, tabs, scroll positions, focus, panels, modals, form inputs and page component data
- Global persistent data object to use the same data and setting across your whole application
- Flexible routing with dynamic, nesting and login protection
- Offline capability, image preloading and multi-language support out of the box
Test your application:
- Integrated configurable code check and fix with ESLint, based on Airbnb or Standard JavaScript
- Local development server with live reload, perfectly to use together with Chrome DevTools
- Test your application on any iOS or Android device with an emulator or on your own device
- Use a development Firebase project with automatic database and storage rule update
Build your application:
- Build process with version bump and compression of all HTML, CSS, JavaScript and image files
- Generation of favicons, touch icons and splash screens out of a single image file
- Phone frame around your application on big screens, so you can offer desktop access with charm
- Automatic build as web application, to be used online and offline in the browser
- Automatic Apple Xcode project build with Cordova
- Automatic Android Studio project build with Cordova
- App Framework builds score very good at performance tests like Google Lighthouse or YSlow
Deploy your application:
- Deployment without downtime
- Easy rollback solutions
Backup your project:
- Download the Firebase database content and user list to local JSON files
- Snapshot creation of all important project files to backup on any external drive or cloud service
Demo App