Basys is a toolbox for building Vue.js full-stack apps with a focus on great developer experience.
- An easy way to create full-stack Express-based backend and Vue single-page applications
- A simple configuration via JSON5 with intuitive options
- Code can be written using modern JavaScript and CSS pre-processing and compiled for required browsers
thanks to Babel, PostCSS and Browserlist
- Dev server with hot module reload and automatic restart with nodemon
- Webpack 4-based bundler for optimized production builds
- Code and style linting with ESLint, stylelint and Prettier
- An easy way to create new pages - .vue files with custom 'info' option are automatically registered
- Unit testing with Jest
- End-to-end testing with TestCafe
- Basys IDE implemented as a Visual Studio Code extension
- Visual app builder that allows non-technical team members to participate in app development
Getting started
If you prefer to use Basys IDE install Basys extension for VSCode, open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P
on Windows/Linux or ⇧⌘P
on MacOS) and run Basys: Create project
Or just use Basys CLI to start a new project:
npm install -g basys-cli
# or
yarn global add basys-cli
basys init # Scaffold a new project from a starter template
cd <project-dir>
basys dev # Launch the development server
You can find a detailed documentation on the website.