N3 components library is built with Vue.js, is a powerful library for frontend or full-stack engineers to build web pages quickly.
N3 components applys oneself to structure a great ecological circle of developers using Vue.js. Supporting as follows:
More than 60 components. See Here
Personality Of Style.
Using ES6.
npm install N3-components --save-dev
cnpm install N3-components --save-dev
You can install components for your global environment.
import Vue from 'vue'
import N3Components from 'N3-components'
import 'N3-components/dist/index.min.css'
// install N3
// for English (default chinese)
// version 2.2.0 or later
Vue.use(N3Components, 'en')
You can also import single component when needed.
import Vue from 'vue'
import N3Components from 'N3-components'
import {n3Alert} from N3Components
// set language
// window.n3Locale = 'en'
theme customization
// default
import 'N3-components/src/style/default.less'
// theme customization
import 'your-theme.less'
@import 'N3-components/src/style/common.less'
/*base color*/
@whiteColor: #fff;
@blackColor: #000;
@lightBlackColor: #333;
@grayColor: #ccc;
@weightGrayColor: #999;
@lightGrayColor: #eee;
@lightColor: #f9f9f9;
/*font color*/
@fontColor: #555;
/*theme color*/
@primaryColor: #41cac0;
@primaryColorhover: #39b2a9;
@hoverColor:rgba(65, 202, 192, 0.05);
/*extend color*/
@successColor: #19d567;
@successColorhover: #30d073;
@infoColor: #2db7f5;
@infoColorhover: #43bcf3;
@dangerColor: #f50;
@dangerColorhover: #f9702b;
@warningColor: #fa0;
@warningColorhover: #f5b73b;