UI Components > Tree

tree-component 0.44

A reactjs and vuejs tree component.
    last commit 3 years ago

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    A reactjs and vuejs tree component.


    • vuejs component
    • reactjs component
    • open and close
    • select and deselect
    • disabled
    • loading
    • highlighted
    • checkbox
    • custom icon or no icon
    • drag and drop
    • no dots
    • large and small
    • default and dark theme
    • contextmenu(vuejs and reactjs only)
    • node id
    • custom node(vuejs and reactjs only)
    • drag and drop between different tree
    • composition model(reactjs children and vuejs slot)

    link css

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./node_modules/tree-component/dist/tree.min.css" />

    vuejs component

    gzip size

    npm i tree-vue-component

    import { Node, Tree } from "tree-vue-component";
    app.component('node', Node)
    app.component('tree', Tree)


    <script src="./node_modules/vue/dist/vue.min.js"></script>
    <script src="./node_modules/tree-vue-component/dist/tree-vue-component.min.js"></script>
    <tree :data="data"

    the online demo: https://plantain-00.github.io/tree-component/packages/vue/demo

    reactjs component

    gzip size

    npm i tree-react-component

    import { Tree } from "tree-react-component";


    <script src="./node_modules/react/umd/react.production.min.js"></script>
    <script src="./node_modules/react-dom/umd/react-dom.production.min.js"></script>
    <script src="./node_modules/tree-react-component/dist/tree-react-component.min.js"></script>
    <Tree data={data}

    the online demo: https://plantain-00.github.io/tree-component/packages/react/demo

    properties and events of the component

    name type description
    data TreeData[] the data of the tree
    checkbox boolean? show checkbox for node
    draggable boolean? whether the node is draggable
    nodots boolean? the tree will have no dots
    size string? can also be "large", "small"
    theme string? can be "default"(the default theme), "dark"
    dropAllowed (dropData: common.DropData) => boolean optional, a function to show whether the drop action is allowed
    zindex number? z-index of contextmenu
    preid string? the node id prefix, eg: if preid = "test_", then a node's id can be test_1-2-3
    toggle (eventData: EventData) => void triggered when opening or closing a node
    change (eventData: EventData) => void triggered when selecting or deselecting a node
    drop (dropData: DropData) => void triggered when drag a node, then drop it
    dragTarget DragTargetData drag target, used when drag and drop between different tree
    changeDragTarget (dragTarget: DragTargetData) => void triggered when drag target changed

    tree data structure

    type TreeData<T = any> = {
        text?: string;
        value?: T; // anything attached to the node
        icon?: string | false; // the icon class string, or no icon if is false
        state: TreeNodeState;
        children?: TreeData<T>[];
        contextmenu?: string | Function; // the contextmenu component, props: (data: ContextMenuData<T>)
        component?: string | Function; // the node component, props: (data: TreeData<T>)
    type TreeNodeState = {
        opened: boolean; // whether the node show its children
        selected: boolean;
        disabled: boolean; // disabled node can not be selected and deselected
        loading: boolean; // show the loading icon, usually used when loading child nodes
        highlighted: boolean;
        openable: boolean; // can open or close even no children
        dropPosition: DropPosition;
        dropAllowed: boolean; // whether the drop action is allowed
    const enum DropPosition {
    // For javascript users, the enum type can not imported from the package,
    // it is just number(0,1,2,3 in order), so you can use this instead:
    const DropPosition = {
        empty: 0,
        up: 1,
        inside: 2,
        down: 3

    event data structure

    type EventData<T = any> = {
        data: TreeData<T>; // the data of the node that triggered the event
        path: number[]; // the index array of path from root to the node that triggered the event

    drop data structure

    type DropData<T = any> = {
        sourceData: TreeData<T>;
        sourcePath: number[];
        sourceRoot: TreeData<T>[];
        targetData: TreeData<T>;
        targetPath: number[];

    contextmenu data structure

    type ContextMenuData<T = any> = {
        data: TreeData<T>;
        path: number[];
        root: TreeData<T>[];
        parent?: any;

    drag target data structure

    type DragTargetData<T = any> = {
      root: TreeData<T>[];
      target: HTMLElement;
    } | null


    # v5
    // vue 2
    import 'tree-vue-component'
    # v6
    // vue 3
    import { Node, Tree } from "tree-vue-component"
    app.component('node', Node)
    app.component('tree', Tree)
    # v4
    npm i tree-component
    # v5
    npm i tree-vue-component
    npm i tree-react-component
    npm i tree-angular-component
    // v4
    import "tree-component/vue";
    import { Tree } from "tree-component/react";
    import { TreeModule } from "tree-component/angular";
    // v5
    import "tree-vue-component";
    import { Tree } from "tree-react-component";
    import { TreeModule } from "tree-angular-component";
    // v4
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./node_modules/tree-component/tree.min.css" />
    // v5
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./node_modules/tree-component/dist/tree.min.css" />
    // v3 angular AOT:
    import { TreeModule } from "tree-component/angular";
    // v4 angular AOT:
    import { TreeModule } from "tree-component/aot/angular";
    // v3
    import "tree-component/vue";
    import { TreeComponent, NodeComponent } from "tree-component/angular";
    import { Tree } from "tree-component/react";
    // v2
    import "tree-component/dist/vue";
    import { TreeComponent, NodeComponent } from "tree-component/dist/angular";
    import { Tree } from "tree-component/dist/react";
    // v2:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./node_modules/tree-component/tree.min.css" />
    // v1:
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="./node_modules/jstree/dist/themes/default/style.min.css" />