Simple plugin that checks element position on the screen (viewport) and adds classes to element:
and one of [view-in--gt-half
, view-in--gt-thrid
, view-in--full
and one of [view-out--below
, view-out--above
]It listens scroll
and resize
window events and supports modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge).
Supports vue.js version 2 and higher.
npm i vue vue-check-view --save
import checkView from 'vue-check-view'
or (only for test)
<script src="">
Auto add classes to element
<div v-view>
Auto add classes to element and executeHandler
<div v-view="viewHandler">
funtion viewHandler (e) {
console.log(e.type) // 'enter', 'exit', 'progress'
console.log(e.percentInView) // 0..1 how much element overlap the viewport
console.log(e.percentTop) // 0..1 position of element at viewport 0 - above , 1 - below
console.log(e.percentCenter) // 0..1 position the center of element at viewport 0 - center at viewport top, 1 - center at viewport bottom
console.log(e.scrollPercent) // 0..1 current scroll position of page
console.log(e.scrollValue) // 0..1 last scroll value (change of page scroll offset)
console.log( // element.getBoundingClientRect() result
<div v-view.once="onceHandler">
funtion onceHandler (e) {
console.log(e.type) // 'enter', 'exit', 'progress'
console.log(e.percentInView) // 0..1 how much element overlap the viewport
console.log(e.percentTop) // 0..1 position of element at viewport 0 - above , 1 - below
console.log(e.percentCenter) // 0..1 position the center of element at viewport 0 - center at viewport top, 1 - center at viewport bottom
console.log(e.scrollPercent) // 0..1 current scroll position of page
console.log(e.scrollValue) // 0..1 last scroll value (change of page scroll offset)
console.log( // element.getBoundingClientRect() result