Embed component is based on embed.js for Vue 2.x.
Embed.js is a lightweight JavaScript plugin to embed emojis, media, maps, tweets, code and services.
# yarn
$ yarn add vue-embed
# npm
$ npm install vue-embed --save
<section class="section">
<v-embed :options="options">
Cur rumor nocere ? :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
Emeritis adelphis satis perderes domina est.Gloss cadunt in bi-color
import VEmbed from vue-embed';
export default {
name: 'Hello',
components: {
data: () => ({
options: {
plugins: [{ name: 'emoji' }],
option | default | Description |
plugins | [] | Accepts an array of plugins. See below |
preset | null | Accepts a preset. Currently accpets only one preset. It can be combined with plugins. |
inlineEmbed | true | If case you want to to embed contents at the end of texts, turn this to false. |
replaceUrl | false | Useful when inlineEmbed is set to true. Replace text with the embed. |
fetch | window.fetch or window.unfetch |
If you are willing to use the library on both server and client side you need to pass an isomorphic fetch library like isomorphic-unfetch or isomorphic-fetch. This is only needed if you are using a plugin that has to make a HTTP request. |
A plugin that can be used to parse urls into anchor tags.
import VEmbed from vue-embed';
export default {
name: 'Hello',
components: {
data: () => ({
options: {
plugins: [
name: 'url',
options: {
attributes: {}, // a hash of attributes to be added in the url
escape: false // whether on not to escape special characters in url
Note : Avoid using escape: true
when using with the highlight plugin.
A plugin that can be used to convert :emoji_name: to actual emojis.
It supports all the emojis supported by emoji.css. If you are using this plugin, you need to load
import VEmbed from vue-embed';
export default {
name: 'Hello',
components: {
data: () => ({
options: {
plugins: [
name: 'emoji',
options: {
regex: /emojiRegex/gi, // in case you want to define a custom regex
template(emojiName) {
// optional template
Known issue : It doesn't check if a particular name is a valid emoji name. So if you use a test like :not_valid_emoji_name:, it will still convert it to a span element with that class name.
You also need to import the embed css file :
A plugin that can be used to embed video, audio or image those are supported by the browser.
import VEmbed from vue-embed';
export default {
name: 'Hello',
components: {
data: () => ({
options: {
plugins: [
name: 'media',
options: {
regex: /regex/gi, // in case you want to define a custom regex
template(args) {
// optional template
onLoad(element) {} // in case you want to do something when the component has loaded on the client.
A plugin that can be used to syntax highlight code.
You need Prism.js to use this plugins. So import the necessary libraries to support it.
<!-- import the theme of your choice -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prism/1.6.0/themes/prism-dark.css" />
<!-- import the umd build of prism.js -->
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prism/1.6.0/prism.min.js">
Note : On the server, the plugin automatically imports prism.js from node_modules
. But it doesn't bundle the PrismJS library with the umd build to keep the size to minimal. Technically prismjs = isServer ? require('prismjs') : window.Prism
import VEmbed from vue-embed';
export default {
name: 'Hello',
components: {
data: () => ({
options: {
plugins: [
name: 'highlight',
options: {
regex: /(`{3})(\s|[a-z]+)\s*([\s\S]*?[^`])\s*\1(?!`)/gm, // in case you want to define a custom regex
prismjs: prismjs, // By default it takes window.Prism on client side and global.Prism on server side.
template(args) {
// optional template
onLoad(element) {} // in case you want to do something when the component has loaded on the client.
A plugin that can be used to embed GitHub repo description.
import VEmbed from vue-embed';
export default {
name: 'Hello',
components: {
data: () => ({
options: {
plugins: [
name: 'github',
options: {
regex: /githubRepoRegex/gi, // in case you want to define a custom regex
template(args) {
// optional template
When you click on the link URL, it redirects you to the repo URL.
A plugin that can be used to embed Youtube videos.
This embeds youtube videos in the page. This plugin supports two mode controlled by the option details
import VEmbed from vue-embed';
export default {
name: 'Hello',
components: {
data: () => ({
options: {
plugins: [
name: 'youtube',
options: {
regex: /youtubeVideoRegex/gi, // in case you want to define a custom regex,
// If set to false, it doesn't make API calls to Youtube for video details. Instead it just embeds the video.
details: true,
// This is a mandatory field.
gAuthKey: ''
// height of video iframe
height: 300,
// This is the class on clicking which the details view changes to embedded video.
// This is only required if you providing a custom template for the details view.
clickClass: "ejs-video-thumb",
template(args, options, pluginOptions, dataFromApi) {
// dataFromApi is undefined if details is set to false
// executes when element is rendered
onLoad(options, pluginOptions) {}
A plugin that can be used to embed facebook posts/videos.
import VEmbed from vue-embed';
export default {
name: 'Hello',
components: {
data: () => ({
options: {
plugins: [
name: 'facebook',
options: {
regex: /facebookPostRegex/gi, // in case you want to define a custom regex
template(args) {
// optional template
When you click on the link URL, it redirects you to the post URL.
A plugin that can be used to embed Google map for a location.
import VEmbed from vue-embed';
export default {
name: 'Hello',
components: {
data: () => ({
options: {
plugins: [
name: 'map',
options: {
regex: /mapNamePattern/gi, // in case you want to define a custom regex
template(args) {
// optional template
mode: "place", // one of place, streetview or view
height: 300,
gAuthKey: "" // mandatory gAuthKey
Default pattern to embed a location is @(locationName)
. You can change this by passing a custom regex.
A plugin that can be used to embed selected services supported by NoEmbed.
import VEmbed from vue-embed';
export default {
name: 'Hello',
components: {
data: () => ({
options: {
plugins: [
name: 'noembed',
options: {
exclude: ['twitter'], // array of service names that you want to exclude. Defaults to an empty array.
twttr: isBrowser ? window.twttr : null, // in case you want to define a custom twitter widget script.
onLoad() {}, // executed when tweets are rendered.
template(args) {
// optional template
A plugin that can be used to embed tweets.
Embeds Tweets in the website. You need to load https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js in advance to get this working.
import VEmbed from vue-embed';
export default {
name: 'Hello',
components: {
data: () => ({
options: {
plugins: [
name: 'twitter',
options: {
// Regex that matches the string and sends to the template method.
regex: /https:\/\/twitter\.com\/\w+\/\w+\/\d+/gi,
// The maximum width of a rendered Tweet in whole pixels.
// This value must be between 220 and 550 inclusive. A supplied
// value under or over the allowed range will be returned as the
// minimum or maximum supported width respectively; the reset width
// value will be reflected in the returned width property. Note that
// Twitter does not support the oEmbed maxheight parameter. Tweets
// are fundamentally text, and are therefore of unpredictable height
// that cannot be scaled like an image or video. Relatedly, the
// oEmbed response will not provide a value for height. Implementations
// that need consistent heights for Tweets should refer to the hide_thread
// and hide_media parameters below.
maxWidth: 550,
// When set to true , t, or 1 links in a Tweet are not expanded to photo,
// video, or link previews
hideMedia: false,
// When set to true , t, or 1 a collapsed version of the previous Tweet
// in a conversation thread will not be displayed when the requested Tweet
// is in reply to another Tweet
hideThread: false,
// Specifies whether the embedded Tweet should be floated left,
// right, or center in the page relative to the parent element.
// Valid values are left, right, center, and none
align: "none",
// Request returned HTML and a rendered Tweet in the specified Twitter
// language supported by embedded Tweets. https://dev.twitter.com/web/overview/languages
lang: "en",
// When set to dark, the Tweet is displayed with light text over a dark background
theme: "light",
// Adjust the color of Tweet text links with a hexadecimal color value
linkColor: "#355acee",
// Set to video to return a Twitter Video embed for the given Tweet
widgetType: "",
* It accepts the matching url and returns the html
* content that replaces or appends to the URL based
* on options. This can return a asynchronous response.
template(args, options, pluginOptions, { html }) {
return html
// The twitter object loaded from widgets.js. By default it takes twttr
// from window object.
twttr: isBrowser ? window.twttr : null,
// executed when the tweet has been loaded
// and rendered on the client side
onLoad() {}
Note : The twitter embed functionality provided by embed-plugin-noembed doesn't provide this much customization. So if you willing to use this plugin for tweet embedding along with noembed plugin, make sure you disable twitter embedding in the latter by passing exclude: ['twitter']
in it.
A plugin that can be used to embed instagram posts.
Embeds Tweets in the website. You need to load https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js in advance to get this working.
import VEmbed from vue-embed';
export default {
name: 'Hello',
components: {
data: () => ({
options: {
plugins: [
name: 'instagram',
options: {
regex: /instagramPostRegex/gi, // in case you want to define a custom regex
template(args) {
// optional template
When you click on the link URL, it redirects you to the post URL.