Utilities > HTTP Requests

vue-fast-axios 0.15

> Solution to remove and simplify axios in components vue
    last commit 6 years ago

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    Vue fast axios

    Solution to remove and simplify axios in components vue


    • Only Vue.js 2.x

    Before install

    Before installing, you must install and configure some packages to make use of the plugin.

    First, install the babel-polyfill package to allow use async and await keywords:

    npm install babel-polyfill --save

    To allow, edit the webpack.config.js, replacing the line:

    entry: './src/main.js',


    entry: ['babel-polyfill', './src/main.js'],

    If your want use arrow function in your services, please install transform-class-properties plugin:

    npm install babel-plugin-transform-class-properties --save-dev

    In your .babelrc file, register this plugin:

      "plugins": [


    To install this plugin run:

    npm install vue-fast-axios --save

    and then, register he in Vue application, in main.js file:

    import VueFastAxios from 'vue-fast-axios'

    Creating services

    An service is compound with follow definitions:

    • base:function | string : return root url for your API

    • headers:function | object : return object with headers for api, use style of axios

    • routes:function | object : return object with routes for api, each route has properties 'methods' and 'path'

    • methods:function | object : return object with alias for async request to route, each method has properties 'method' and 'route'

    • defaultVMessage:function | string : return default message of error to validations

    • validation:function | object : return object with properties to validate, each property has properties 'validator' and 'message'

      See an example:

    'use strict'
    // Export service skeleton class
    export default class PeoplesService {
        // define base url to requests
        base = () => 'https://xxx.firebaseio.com/'
        headers = () => ({
            'Content-Type': 'application/json' // but vue-fast-axios use application/json as default header
        // define routes
        routes = () => ({
            root: { // route name
                methods: 'get,post', // methods accepted in route
                path: 'peoples.json' // path to route, url is: base + prepend + path + append
            peoples: { // route name
                methods: 'put,delete' // methods accepted in route
                // default path route is route name (peoples)
        // methods to call in service instance
        methods = () => ({
            list: { // method name
                method: 'get', // method to htpp request
                route: 'root' // route to call with method
            create: {
                method: 'post',
                route: 'root'
        defaultVMessage = () => 'Error to handle peoples'
        // validations
        validation = () => ({
            name: { // property to validate
                validator: (value) => value.length > 2, // validation
                message: 'Name is invalid' // message to error case
            // simple validator, the error message is 'Error to handle peoples'
            key: (value) => key > 0

    Using services

    In your vue componentes, use method $serviceFactory to create an service with skeleton created before:

    import PeoplesService from './services/PeoplesService' // your service
    export default {
      name: 'app',
      data: () => ({
        service: null, // store my service handler
      // create my service with PeoplesService rules and pass this to call handle methods
      mounted() {
        this.service = this.$serviceFactory(new PeoplesService, this)

    Now you have an service object, you can run call and execute methods, they has an simple difference:

    • execute(routeName, parameters = {}) | bool : use this to simples and manual requests. To use, you must have the methods serviceSuccess and serviceError, they as called when promise is resolved and receive an object with error or response.
    • call(methodName, parameters = {}) | object: use this for async/await requests. Is an way for execute request and capture response in one line! Erros as exceptions are throwed in console.

    To use this methods, your component must have validationError method, they is called when an validation has failed, and receive an message as parameter.

    See an metaphorical example:

      <div id="app">
        <button @click="createPeople">Create people</button>
        <button @click="updatePeople">Update pople</button>
          <li v-for="(people, key) in peoples" :key="key">
            <button @click="deletePeople(key)">Delete</button>
            {{ people.name }}
    import PeoplesService from './services/PeoplesService'
    export default {
      name: 'app',
      data: () => ({
        service: null, // store my service handler
        peoples: [], // list of peoples
        newPeople: 'Leonardo', // store name from new people
        peopleToUpdate: {key: 1, name: 'New Leonardo'} // people to update
      // create my service with PeoplesService rules and pass this to call handle methods
      mounted() {
        this.service = this.$serviceFactory(new PeoplesService, this)
      methods: {
        // call list method from PeopleService, with route root and method get
        async load() {
          this.peoples = await this.service.call('list')
        // call create method from PeopleService, with route root and method post, pass object to register
        // this object is validate with 'name' rule from PeopleService
        async createPeople() {
          await this.service.call('create', { name: this.newPeople })
        // append key.json to url, and set delete method. Execute this settings in peoples route
        deletePeople(key) {
        // append key.json to url, and set post method. Execute this settings in peoples route with name data to validation
        updatePeople() {
          const {key, name} = this.peopleToUpdate
          this.service.append(`/${key}.json`).put().execute('peoples', {name})
        // this method is called after response rigth from request make by execute method
        serviceSuccess(data) {
        // this method is called after response wrong from request make by execute method
        serviceError(error) {
        // this method is called why has valitation error, message error is pass in param
        validationError(message) {

    Note the use from helpers methods. See follow they...

    Helpers methods

    We have some methods to help you!

    To execute method, use this methods to define type of request:

    • this.service.get().execute(...) : define GET http method
    • this.service.pos().execute(...) : define POST http method
    • this.service.put().execute(...) : define PUT http method
    • this.service.del().execute(...) : define DELETE http method

    To methods execute ou call, use this methods for change url of request:

    • this.service.append('foo').execute(...) : add 'foo' in url request. Result: url + path + 'foo'
    • this.service.append('bar').execute(...) : add 'bar' in url request. Result: url + bar + path


    To contribute this plugin, fork, edit and send an PR for me. Before send PR, run npm run build to transpile source to ES5.