What is Vue Grid Layout?
vue-grid-layout is a grid layout system, like Gridster, for Vue.js. Heavily inspired by React-Grid-Layout
- Draggable widgets
- Resizable widgets
- Static widgets
- Bounds checking for dragging and resizing
- Widgets may be added or removed without rebuilding grid
- Layout can be serialized and restored
- Automatic RTL support (resizing not working with RTL on 2.2.0)
- Responsive
Current version: 2.4.0 (Supports Vue 2.2+)
For legacy browsers, like IE11, use version 2.3.12-legacy
For Vue 2.1.10 and below use version 2.1.3
For Vue 1 use version 1.0.3
Check out the Documentation Website
Projects using vue-grid-layout
Know of others? Create a PR to let me know!
If you have a feature request, please add it as an issue or make a pull request.
Developed by JBay Solutions