Manipulating the meta information of the head tag, a simple and easy way
Motivated by HEAD
For syntax of the previous version click here
by CDN
<script src="*version*/vue.min.js"></script>
<script src="*version*/vue-router.min.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
// Code here
See how to use with this example
With NPM
npm install vue-head --save
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
import VueHead from 'vue-head'
var myComponent = Vue.extend({
data: function () {
return {
head: {
title: {
inner: 'It will be a pleasure'
// Meta tags
meta: [
{ name: 'application-name', content: 'Name of my application' },
{ name: 'description', content: 'A description of the page', id: 'desc' }, // id to replace intead of create element
// ...
// Twitter
{ name: 'twitter:title', content: 'Content Title' },
// with shorthand
{ n: 'twitter:description', c: 'Content description less than 200 characters'},
// ...
// Google+ /
{ itemprop: 'name', content: 'Content Title' },
{ itemprop: 'description', content: 'Content Title' },
// ...
// Facebook / Open Graph
{ property: 'fb:app_id', content: '123456789' },
{ property: 'og:title', content: 'Content Title' },
// with shorthand
{ p: 'og:image', c: '' },
// ...
// link tags
link: [
{ rel: 'canonical', href: '!/contact/', id: 'canonical' },
{ rel: 'author', href: 'author', undo: false }, // undo property - not to remove the element
{ rel: 'icon', href: require('./path/to/icon-16.png'), sizes: '16x16', type: 'image/png' },
// with shorthand
{ r: 'icon', h: 'path/to/icon-32.png', sz: '32x32', t: 'image/png' },
// ...
script: [
{ type: 'text/javascript', src: 'cdn/to/script.js', async: true, body: true}, // Insert in body
// with shorthand
{ t: 'application/ld+json', i: '{ "@context": "" }' },
// ...
style: [
{ type: 'text/css', inner: 'body { background-color: #000; color: #fff}', undo: false },
// ...
To learn more possibilities tags in HEAD
<!-- Code here -->
export default {
data: function () {
return {
title: 'My Title'
// Usage with context the component
head: {
// To use "this" in the component, it is necessary to return the object through a function
title: function () {
return {
inner: this.title
meta: [
{ name: 'description', content: 'My description', id: 'desc' }
<style scoped>
/* Code here */
For more questions, check this example
You can customize the page title with tab and complement, just add the properties separator
and complement
object in title
Separator by default uses the pipe character |
and complement by default uses the title of the html document
head: {
title: {
inner: 'My title',
separator: '-',
complement: 'My Complement'
If not please complement defines an empty value
If you'd like to set default custom title options on every component you can pass options to VueHead when you're registering it for Vue, just like in example below.
const VueHead = require('vue-head')
Vue.use(VueHead, {
separator: '-',
complement: 'My Complement'
For using values with this
, it is necessary to return the object through a function
data: {
myData: 'My description'
// omited
meta: function () {
return [
{ name: 'description', content: this.myData }
The whole head
option can be a function.
All created tags will be removed as you leave the component, but you may want it to be not broken and remain in the DOM.
So you should set undo: false
style: [
{ type: 'text/css', inner: 'body { background-color: #000; color: #fff}', undo: false }
There are some tags that are unique and that only need to update the content, such as meta tags name="description"
or rel="canonical"
Therefore, it is necessary to define a id
, so that the element is found and is made the update correctly, avoiding duplicates tags.
meta: [
{ name: 'description', content: 'A description of the page', id: 'desc' }
At some point you may want to do something after the DOM is complete with the changes, to this the vue-head emits through the key okHead
With this, you can hear through the events
option of your instance component.
// omited
events: {
okHead: function () {
// Do something
created: function () {
this.$on('okHead', function () {
// Do Something
Keep the data tags updated through an update of the elements that have changed data, which are the reactive data of your component.
It is not automatic if you want to upgrade, simply issue the event updateHead
soon after changing your data.
For example:
// omited
methods: {
getAsyncData: function () {
var self = this
window.setTimeout(function () {
self.title = 'My async title'
}, 3000)
Note: I recommend you use the vueRouter to request the data from the tags and build the header tags with synchronous data, updating real-time meta tags only have to use the business rules of your application.
Supported only in Vue next >2.0.*, Because it uses the new hooks activated and deactivated.
Obs: In version <1.0. * Using making prompt to maintain the element in the document.
property | shorthand | used tags |
charset | ch |
meta |
target | tg |
base |
name | n |
meta |
http-equiv | he |
meta |
itemprop | ip |
meta |
content | c |
meta |
property | p |
meta |
rel | r |
link |
href | h |
link |
sizes | sz |
link |
type | t |
link style script |
scheme | sc |
script |
src | s |
script |
async | a |
script |
defer | d |
script |
inner | i |
script style |
If you want a faster communication, find me on @ktquez
thank you