An itty-bitty maze game made as Vue.js component
Fit to the component size automatically
Mousemove/Touchmove/ArrowKey to move the player
Choose difficulty
Choose maze generating strategy
Use your own avator/goal image
$ npm install maze vue-maze --save
import Vue from 'vue'
import Maze from 'vue-maze'
let v = new Vue({
el: '#app',
template: `
components: {
Props | Type | Description | Default |
difficulty | string | difficulty(easy|normal|hard) | normal |
strategy | string | maze generating strategy(dig|cluster) | cluster |
image-path | string | the src path to avator image | (a data url of default image) |
goal-image-path | string | the src path to goal image | (a data url of default image) |
Event | Payload | Description |
init | none | the maze is initialized |
start | none | the player starts to move |
finish | none | the player has arrived at the goal |