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WebGL panorama component for vue.js
Click this link or scan the QRCode on your mobile devices to see the demo:
Use npm or yarn to add vue-pano
to your dependency. Following vue snippet intruduces the component to your view:
import Pano from 'vue-pano'
export default {
components: { Pano }
<pano title="The Title" width="720" height="480" bundle="example/assets/pano/pantry/" format="jpg"></pano>
Use these props to define the texture and size:
Currently I don't support higher customization or events handling, if you need so, feel free to issue that.
You can use PhotoSphere App from Google to take a panorama with a smartphone (both Android and iOS)! Since it results in a equirectangular projection skysphere image (only one rectangular), and the vue-pano only supports the skybox format (six squares), you need to convert the image using this tiny tool I wrote: glskybox.
If you are not satisified with the camera on mobile, or you need to take the picture indoor, you can follow the instruction here (in Chinese) about how to use the full frame camera with a wide angle lens, and compose these pictures into a panorama with Microsoft ICE.
Here are some image stitching tool you can use to compsoe the panorama picture:
The demo texture can be found under example/assets/pano
If you want to contribute to the project, clone this repo adn run following commands for hosting a development server, or build for production.
# install dependencies
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
yarn run dev
# build for production with minification
yarn run build