This package requires no specific version of Vue but vue-resource. It works for both Vue/Vue2 as the time of this writing.
Copy and modified from
Open to PR/Issue :)
After npm install vue-resource-mock --save-dev
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueResource from 'vue-resource'
import VueResourceMock from 'vue-resource-mock'
import MockData from 'path/to/file' // MockData syntax down below
if (devMode) { // don't use it on your production build
Vue.use(VueResourceMock, MockData, /* { silent: true/false } */) // after use vue-resource
export default {
// basic mock
['GET */path/to/resource'] (pathMatch, query, request, passThrough) {
// before respond, you can check the path and query parameters with `pathMatch` & `query`
// powered by 'url-pattern' & 'qs'
// to pass through this mock, call the 4th parameter as a function, the return value will be ignored
let body = { /* whatever */ }
return {
body: body,
status: 200,
statusText: 'OK',
headers: { /*headers*/ },
delay: 500, // millisecond
// shorthand mock
['PUT */path/to/resource']: 200, // respond with only status code
['POST */path/to/resource']: { /*whatever*/ } // respond with only body, status code = 200