A simple VueJS package to extend vue-router with a back button.
Sure thing, but the in browser history does not account for programatic navigation. This is where vue-router-back-button comes in. This package does not just sends you to the previous route. Instead it tracks your navigation and sends you back to where you came from.
Overview page > show page > edit page After save, a programatic navigation to show page > go back will take you to edit page
Overview page > show page > edit page After save, a programatic navigation to show page > go back will take you to overview page as intented
npm install vue-router-back-button --save
Tell Vue to use routerHistory and add writeHistory as Global After Hook.
import Vue from 'vue'
import Router from 'vue-router'
import VueRouterBackButton from 'vue-router-back-button'
const router = new Router({
routes: []
Vue.use(VueRouterBackButton, { router })
You can add this anywhere in your app as $routerHistory is installed globally. If you can't go back, $routerHistory.previous().path will return null.
:to="{ path: $routerHistory.previous().path }">
If you went back, you might want to undo that action right? Well now you can go forward as well!
:to="{ path: $routerHistory.next().path }">
Sometimes you don't want to store a programmatic navigation in the history because users should not get back to it.
Use router.replace('/path')
instead of router.push('/path')
If you want to ignore routes with the same name, just set the ignoreRoutesWithSameName
option to true
Vue.use(VueRouterBackButton, {
ignoreRoutesWithSameName: true,
Function | Description |
previous () | Returns the previous visited path in an object |
hasPrevious() | Returns true if the user can go back |
next () | Returns the next visited path in an object, this happens when a user went back |
hasForward () | Returns true if the user can go forward |
Feel free to send PR's or request new features (I'll might need to rename this to vue-router-history if you do though)
Add a new plugin file: ~/plugins/vue-router-back-button.js
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueRouterBackButton from 'vue-router-back-button'
export default ({ app }) => {
Vue.use(VueRouterBackButton, { router: app.router });
Add the reference to the plugins section of nuxt.config.js
plugins: [
{ mode: 'client', src: '~plugins/vue-router-back-button.js' },
Now you just need to use nuxt-link instead of router-link
<nuxt-link :to="to">
← Back
export default {
computed: {
to () {
if (this.client || !this.$routerHistory || !this.$routerHistory.hasPrevious()) {
// probably ssr, or hasn't navigated yet.
return { path: '/' };
return { path: this.$routerHistory.previous().path };
Maxim Vanhove Web developer at Starring Jane