A solution to the Vue history routing Persistence.
If your vue application needs to jump to a third party page, and then jump back, want to restore to the original history and continue to operate, the use of this plug-in is the best solution.
Vue in the use of HTML5 history mode, through the browser for forward and backward operations. However, when the multi-level routing address directly in the address bar or jump from the external link to the Vue application multi-level routing, it will cause the history is lost, can not return to the embarrassing situation of the parent page. This program provides vue with historical refactoring and persistence capabilities to address the loss of historical records and the inability to roll back.
Based on the localStorage / cookie store, when the Vue instance is created, check whether the local history is saved or not. If not, save the route path and inject the route matching path into the browser history through the history.pushState method Record, the browser to get back to the higher-level routing; if you have saved history, the history will be injected into the browser, so that users can reopen the page to continue the last operation.
# install vue-router-storage package
npm install --save vue-router-storage
import Vue from 'vue'
import RouterStorage from 'vue-router-storage'
//showLog: Print Internal log (default: false) stayHere: Limit not to exit Vue application (default true)
//instanceName: the name of the history instance object,which can be change when get conflict whit other plugin
Vue.use(RouterStorage, { showLog: false, stayHere: true , instanceName: '$history' });
After using the above configuration, immediately produces the effect, the following is the other method and the event
//Get the history instance of this plugin
//Clear history
//Listening for back events
vm.$on('router.goback', function () {
console.log('goback event')
//Listening for replace events
vm.$on('router.replace', function () {
console.log('replace event')
//Listening for forward events
vm.$on('router.goforward', function () {
console.log('goforward event')
//Listening for trying leave vue app events(Triggered when Stayhere is true)
vm.$on('router.inroot', function () {
console.log('inroot event')
//Listen for path changes in the component and get a list of paths
watch: {
'$history.routes'(val) {
///this.path = val;
Enjoy it!
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report
For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.