Modal component for semantic-ui without jQuery
<modal v-model="showModal">
<p slot="header">Confirmation needed</p>
<p slot="content">Do you want to continue?</p>
<template slot="actions">
<div class="ui black deny button" @click="showModal=false">
<div class="ui positive right button" @click="confirm">
import modal from 'vue-semantic-modal'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
showModal: true,
confirmed: true
methods () {
confirm () {
this.confirmed = true
this.showModal = false
Include in the root component semantic-ui CSS:
@import '~dist/semantic.css';
Name | Required | Type/Value | Default | Description |
opened | no | Boolean |
false | triggers the opening/closing. Can be bind with v-model |
hasImage | no | Boolean |
false | Should be true if the content contains image as per semantic-ui specification |
animationDuration | no | Number |
500 | Opening and closing animation duration in ms |
showCloseIcon | no | Boolean |
false | If true close icon of the model is displayed |
modalVariation | no | 'fullscreen', 'basic', 'mini', 'small', 'large' or '' |
'' | Additional modal styling see here |
dimmerVariation | no | 'inverted' or '' |
'' | Additional dimmer styling see here |
modalTransition | no | String |
'scale' | name of the modal transition to be applied. See here |
Sent when the modal state changed with a boolean true if the modal is opened
Sent when the modal visual state changed with a string representing the modal visual state:
'closed', 'opening', 'opened', 'closing'
Sent when modal is opened and user click outside.
npm install vue-semantic-modal