A Vue.js upload component powered by simple-uploader.js
npm install vue-simple-uploader --save
import Vue from 'vue'
import uploader from 'vue-simple-uploader'
import App from './App.vue'
/* eslint-disable no-new */
new Vue({
render(createElement) {
return createElement(App)
<uploader :options="options" class="uploader-example">
<p>Drop files here to upload or</p>
<uploader-btn>select files</uploader-btn>
<uploader-btn :attrs="attrs">select images</uploader-btn>
<uploader-btn :directory="true">select folder</uploader-btn>
export default {
data () {
return {
options: {
// https://github.com/simple-uploader/Uploader/tree/develop/samples/Node.js
target: '//localhost:3000/upload',
testChunks: false
attrs: {
accept: 'image/*'
.uploader-example {
width: 880px;
padding: 15px;
margin: 40px auto 0;
font-size: 12px;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, .4);
.uploader-example .uploader-btn {
margin-right: 4px;
.uploader-example .uploader-list {
max-height: 440px;
overflow: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
overflow-y: auto;
Root component.
options {Object}
See simple-uploader.js options.
Besides, some other options are avaliable too:
parseTimeRemaining(timeRemaining, parsedTimeRemaining) {Function}
this function option to format the current file's time remaining value(seconds, number), you can return your language time remaining text, params:
, time remaining seconds
, default shown time remaining text, you can use it like this:
parseTimeRemaining: function (timeRemaining, parsedTimeRemaining) {
return parsedTimeRemaining
.replace(/\syears?/, '年')
.replace(/\days?/, '天')
.replace(/\shours?/, '小时')
.replace(/\sminutes?/, '分钟')
.replace(/\sseconds?/, '秒')
categoryMap {Object}
File category map, default:
image: ['gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp', 'webp'],
video: ['mp4', 'm3u8', 'rmvb', 'avi', 'swf', '3gp', 'mkv', 'flv'],
audio: ['mp3', 'wav', 'wma', 'ogg', 'aac', 'flac'],
document: ['doc', 'txt', 'docx', 'pages', 'epub', 'pdf', 'numbers', 'csv', 'xls', 'xlsx', 'keynote', 'ppt', 'pptx']
autoStart {Boolean}
Default true
, Whether the file will be start uploading after it is added.
fileStatusText {Object}
success: 'success',
error: 'error',
uploading: 'uploading',
paused: 'paused',
waiting: 'waiting'
An object map for file status text.
After 0.6.0, fileStatusText
can be a function with params (status, response = null)
, you can control the status text more flexible:
fileStatusText(status, response) {
const statusTextMap = {
uploading: 'uploading',
paused: 'paused',
waiting: 'waiting'
if (status === 'success' || status === 'error') {
// only use response when status is success or error
// eg:
// return response data ?
return response.data
} else {
return statusTextMap[status]
See simple-uploader.js uploader/events
All events name will be transformed by lodash.kebabCase, eg: fileSuccess
will be transformed to file-success
event will not be emited.
, file added event, this event is used for file validation. To reject this file you should set file.ignored = true
files-added(files, fileList)
, files added event, this event is used for files validation. To reject these files you should set files.ignored = true
or fileList.ignored = true
files {Array}
An array of files (no folders).
fileList {Array}
An array of files and folders.
Started uploading or not.
instanceYou can get it like this:
const uploaderInstance = this.$refs.uploader.uploader
// now you can call all uploader methods
// https://github.com/simple-uploader/Uploader#methods
Select files button.
directory {Boolean}
Default false
, Support selecting Folder
single {Boolean}
Default false
, To prevent multiple file uploads if it is true
attrs {Object}
Default {}
, Pass object to set custom attributes on input element.
Droped files area.
An array of Uploader.File
file(folder) objects added by the user, but it treated Folder as Uploader.File
fileList {Array}
An array of files and folders.
An array of Uploader.File
file objects added by the user.
files {Array}
An array of files (no folders).
It will be shown if the current browser do not support HTML5 File API.
File item component.
file {Uploader.File}
list {Boolean}
It should be true
if it is puted in UploaderList
file {Uploader.File}
list {Boolean}
In UploaderList
component or not.
status {String}
Current status, the values is one of success
, error
, uploading
, paused
, waiting
paused {Boolean}
Indicated if the file is paused.
error {Boolean}
Indicated if the file has encountered an error.
averageSpeed {Number}
Average upload speed, bytes per second.
formatedAverageSpeed {String}
Formated average upload speed, eg: 3 KB / S
currentSpeed {Number}
Current upload speed, bytes per second.
isComplete {Boolean}
Indicated whether the file has completed uploading and received a server response.
isUploading {Boolean}
Indicated whether file chunks is uploading.
size {Number}
Size in bytes of the file.
formatedSize {Number}
Formated file size, eg: 10 KB
uploadedSize {Number}
Size uploaded in bytes.
progress {Number}
A number between 0 and 1 indicating the current upload progress of the file.
progressStyle {String}
The file progress element's transform style, eg: {transform: '-50%'}
progressingClass {String}
The value will be uploader-file-progressing
if the file is uploading.
timeRemaining {Number}
Remaining time to finish upload file in seconds.
formatedTimeRemaining {String}
Formated remaining time, eg: 3 miniutes
type {String}
File type.
extension {String}
File extension in lowercase.
fileCategory {String}
File category, one of folder
, document
, video
, audio
, image
, unknown
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report