UI Components > UI Layout

vue-virtual-collection 0.95

Vue component for efficiently rendering large collection data
  • collection
  • performance
  • scroll
  • slot
  • vue_components
  • vue
  • vuejs
  • vue_component
  • virtual
  • scrolling
  • infinite
  • virtualized
  • recycle
  • dom
last commit 7 years ago

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Vue component for efficiently rendering large collection data. Inspired by react-virtualize.





npm i vue-virtual-collection


import Vue from 'vue'
import VirtualCollection from 'vue-virtual-collection'


Use it!

vue-virtual-collection offers two ways of using a VirtualCollection.

Default Usage

The standard way of using a VirtualCollection is to to pass the entire collection of items to it as a single group. This is suitable for most cases, especially if all the items in the collection are either very similar or very different from one another.

In the sample below, the collection is instantiated as an Array and passed directly to the VirtualCollection in that form.

            <div slot="cell" slot-scope="props">{{props.data}}</div>

    export default {
        data () {
            return {
                 * This will create 1000 items like:
                 * [
                 *   { data: '#0' },
                 *   { data: '#1' },
                 *   ...
                 *   { data: '#999' }
                 * ]
                items: new Array(1000).fill(0).map((_, index) => ({ data: '#' + index }))
        methods: {
            cellSizeAndPositionGetter(item, index) {
                // compute size and position
                return {
                    width: 100,
                    height: 150,
                    x: (index % 2) * 110,
                    y: parseInt(index / 2) * 160

Item Grouping

Item grouping is an optional feature that can be used to potentially improve performance, and is ideally suited to cases where the collection of items to render are logically divisable into a small number of different categories that may be updated, added or removed at different rates.

Instead of passing the entire collection as an array to the VirtualCollection, the collection is passed as an array of "groups" - objects that each contain a subset of the entire collection's items that should logically be handled the same way.

An example of where this might be appropriate is using VirtualCollection to represent a chess game. In this scenario, there might be separate items within the collection to represent the chessboard tiles and the chess pieces. Chessboard tiles and chess pieces are logically distinct categories of items, and each category would update at different rates; the collection of chessboard tiles would never change after being initially rendered, whereas the collection of pieces would change after every move.

Without grouping, changing the position of a piece (or adding/removing one) would cause everything in the collection to be re-processed and potentially re-rendered, including the chessboard tiles. However, if we pass the pieces and the tiles as separate groups, then VirtualCollection will only reprocess the collection of chess pieces after each turn, and skip reprocessing the chessboard tiles.

            <div class="grid-cell" slot="cell" slot-scope="{data}">
                <ChessTile v-if="data.isTile" />
                <ChessPiece v-else />

    export default {
        data () {
            return {
                chessTiles: [ { data: { isTile: true } }, /* ... */ ],
                chessPieces: [ { data: { isPiece: true } }, /* ... */ ],
                collectionGroups: [ { group: [] }, { group: [] } ]
        methods: {
            cellSizeAndPositionGetter(item, itemIndex, groupIndex) {
                switch (groupIndex)
                    case 0:
                        // Compute size and position for chessboard tile
                        return { width: 0, height: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }
                    case 1:
                        // Compute size and position for chess piece
                        return { width: 0, height: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }

                        throw new Error("Not a tile or piece")
        watch: {
            chessTiles: function (chessTiles) {
                this.collectionGroups[0].group = chessTiles;
            chessPieces: function (chessPieces) {
                this.collectionGroups[1].group = chessPieces



Type: Function

(item: object, index: number) -> ({ height: number, width: number, x: number, y: number })

Required: ✓

Callback responsible for returning size and offset/position information for a given cell

function cellSizeAndPositionGetter(item, index) {
    return {
        width: item.width,
        height: item.height,
        x: item.x,
        y: item.y

Alternate usage

If using the item grouping feature, the second parameter is the index of the item within the group it belongs to and a third parameter represents the index of the group within the collection of groups passed to VirtualCollection.

(item: object, itemIndex: number, groupIndex: number) -> ({ height: number, width: number, x: number, y: number })

function cellSizeAndPositionGetter(item, itemIndex, groupIndex) {
    return {
        width: item.width,
        height: item.height,
        x: item.x,
        y: item.y


Type: Array

Required: ✓

The data for cells to render. Each object in array must contain a data property, which will be passed into slot scope.

const collection = [
    { data: { text: "#1" } },
    { data: { text: "#2" } },
    { data: { text: "#3" } },
    // ...

Alternate usage

If using the item grouping feature, each element of the collection should be an object with a group property representing a group of logically-related items. Each item of each group must contain a data property, which will be passed into slot scope.

const collection = [
        group: [
            { data: { text: "#1" } },
            { data: { text: "#2" } },
            { data: { text: "#3" } },
            // ...
        group: [
            { data: { text: "#A" } },
            { data: { text: "#B" } },
            { data: { text: "#C" } },
            // ...
    // ...


Type: number

Required: ✓

The width of collection


Type: number

Required: ✓

The height of collection


Type: number

Optionally override the size of the sections a Collection's cells are split into. This is an advanced option and should only be used for performance tuning purposes.



<div slot="cell" slot-scope="yourOwnScope">{{yourOwnScope.data.text}}</div>

The data property in items of collection will be passed into the slot scope.

const collection = [
    { data: { text: "#1" } },
    { data: { text: "#2" } },
    { data: { text: "#3" } },
    // ...