Vue component (Vue.js 2.0) or directive (Vue.js 1.0) allowing isotope layout including filtering and sorting.
Integrate Vue with isotope filter & sort magical layouts.
Isotope elements:
Use isotope component:
<isotope :options='getOptions()' :list="list" @filter="filterOption=arguments[0]" @sort="sortOption=arguments[0]">
<div v-for="element in list" :key="">
Important: elements inside the v-for
loop should have a key
prop set.
Type: String
Required: false
Default: "item"
Class to be applied to the isotope elements. Similar as isotope itemSelector but without the starting "." This class will be applied automatically by the isotope component on the children elements.
Type: Array
Required: true
Array to be synchronized with drag-and-drop. Typically same array as referenced by inner element v-for directive.
Type: Object
Required: true
isEven: function(itemElem){
return % 2 === 0;
isOdd: function(itemElem){
return % 2 !== 0;
filterByText: function(itemElem){
getSortData: {
id: "id",
name: function(itemElem){
, sort
, layout
Send when filter, sort and layout respectively are called on the isotope element with the corresponding String
Send when shuffle is called on the isotope element.
Send when arrange is called on the isotope element with the corresponding Object
sort (name)
Sort the isotope component with the corresponding String
filter (name)
Sort the isotope component with the corresponding String
layout (option)
Change the layout of the isotope component using the option as layout name if option is String
or with option object if option is Object
arrange (option)
Call arrange on the isotope component with the corresponding Object
unfilter ()
Reset filter on the isotope component.
shuffle ()
Shuffle the isotope component.
Unloaded images can throw off Isotope layouts and cause item elements to overlap. Use vue.imagesLoaded to solve this problem.
Elements inside the v-for
loop should have a key
prop set otherwise they will not be rendered.
Using Webpack or Browersify requires extra configuration, see here
npm install vueisotope
Bower install vueisotope
// ES6
import isotope from 'vueisotope'
export default {
components: {
// ES5
var isotope = require('vueisotope')
IncludeJust include vue.isotope.js
after Vue and lodash(>=4).
Be aware of isotope recommendation for usage with Webpack and Browserify