Vue.js and Vuex plugin to persistence data with localStorage/sessionStorage
This plugin provide a simple binding with localStorage
and sessionStorage
(or something similar) to Vue and Vuex.
It has no dependencies, so it is really small.
size: 5.75KB (1.7KB gzipped).min.js
size: 2.21KB (1.1KB gzipped)//in webpack environment:
import vuejsStorage from 'vuejs-storage'
//in browser script tag:
const vuejsStorage = window.vuejsStorage
//vue example
new Vue({
data: {
count: 0,
text: ''
storage: {
keys: ['count'],
//keep data.count in localStorage
namespace: 'my-namespace'
//vuex example
const store = new Vuex.Store({
state: {
count: 0
mutations: {
increment(state) {
plugins: [
keys: ['count'],
//keep state.count in localStorage
namespace: 'my-namespace',
driver: vuejsStorage.drivers.sessionStorage
//if you want to use sessionStorage instead of localStorage
data: {
a: {
b: 1,
c: 2
storage: {
namespace: 'test',
keys: ['a.b']
//only keep a.b in localStorage
state: {
a: 1
modules: {
moduleA: {
state: {
a: 2
plugins: [
namespace: 'test',
keys: ['moduleA','a']
// keep both root's state.a & moduleA's state
data: {
a: 1,
b: 2
storage: [
namespace: 'test',
keys: ['a']
namespace: 'test',
keys: ['b'],
driver: vuejsStorage.drivers.sessionStorage
Vue plugin
Create a Vuex plugin
const vuexplugin = vuejsStorage(/* option object*/)
Option object, can be used when create Vuex plugin or in Vue option storage
keys: [], //array of string
this option is different when use in vue and vuex
when used in Vue constructor option, keys means which data should be keep in localStorage
when used in Vuex plugin, keys mean which state should be keep in localStorage
driver: vuejsStorage.drivers.sessionStorage, //any object has 'set','get','has' api, default: vuejsStorage.drivers.localStorage
namespace: 'ns', //a string, REQUIRED
merge: _assign //a function to merge object like Object.assign, default: internal implementation(src/assign.ts)